Just finished my Church's annual kids club, and have to say, I really enjoyed it. I'll be honest, I am not a big fan of children. They can be uber-annoying, and ask hard questions I don't have easy answers to, and I have so much respect for dedicated childrens workers, whether they be primary school teachers, or more informal workers. I do see the benefit as a youth worker in knowing the children of my community, and having those relationships in place early on can be good. But I just don't think I am a good childrens worker! It was fun, and being able to act like a total child for one week (only one!) is good fun. A lot of preparation goes into a children's week, and you have to hope that something goes in there; something that can be of benefit to the kids when they get back to school etc. We had a church service to mark the end of it and I felt it went really well, and the kids did a good job in singing, praying and saying some words which described kids club for them (flabertastic!). Now I am back to more youth orientated matters as I continue to run our summer programme and look to the autumn and plans I have then. Maybe more on that later.
One other thing I want to talk about was my mate Bud and his stag do...what a night. I can honestly say, I have been out a lot, and I have never had such a good night. There was so much laughter (I nearly went into cardiac arrest at one point) and it was just a superb night, with some great memories and funny photos. My favourite has to be this one of Bag. I found it that funny that I actually woke up the next morning laughing...