Chatting to fellow youth worker and profound thinker Saint Martin Montgomery, I suddenly realised that I shouldn't have to start off every blog with the usual round of apologies for not writing for months...I mean, do you, the reader, really care? And to be honest, why should I write useless drivel for the amusment of the mob?! Simply put, I have not had much I wanted to say these last few months; of course thats not to say I haven't been thinking about a lot of issues/topics. I want to share some brief thoughts that have been swirling through the grey matter!
This time, its about communion. I have long held the belief that communion is a very significant act for the Christian. Strangely for a "Protestant" (and believe me, I do use that term lightly!), I have contended that perhaps our Catholic brothers are a little bit closer in their understanding of the significance of the act. Now, let me say that theologically speaking, I do not believe that the bread and wine physically turn into the body and blood of Christ. That is in no way to criticise Catholic theology on the matter, but rather to make my position clear (and not just as someone who has been brought up a 'Prod' in Ulster to disagree with everything Catholic, but as someone who has thought and reasoned the issue out for themselves).
Back to the matter...In communion, I believe something very strange takes place; whilst Catholics may believe that the bread and wine transubstantiate physically, I believe that it is more a metaphysical transformation. That is, there is a very deep spiritual transformation that occurs, that allows us to connect with Christ on the cross through the Eucharist. An act it may be, full of symbolism, but I think we do it a disservice if we leave it as just an act! On some very deep level, we are taking the body and blood of Jesus into us, perhaps not on a physical sense, but in a very real spiritual sense!
Being brought up as a Presbyterian, the Lord's Supper (wasn't much of a meal-sip of ribena, and a piece of bread) was always a time of reflection that inevitably had to be a guilt trip. Don't get me wrong, I love my Presbyterian brethren (the rest of my family still go there), and respect a lot of things about that church, but communion should never have turned into a guilt trip-where you feel bad about all the naughty things you have done, and feel so unworthy to partake in communion. Jesus never wanted us to go on a guilt trip when we take part in the Eucharist. Jesus wants us to remember him; to celebrate his life, and rejoice in his death and resurrection. When we take part in communion, it should be with a party atmosphere (at least in my thought). Of course, we should always enter into some self-examination and reflection, but it should never be self-recrimination. That is just not the Jesus Way!
And then there is a deeper issue behind communion; what does it mean to 'remember him'? I think that Eucharist should not just be a piece of bread and some wine (or Ribena for our Presby friends), but that Eucharist should be a 'lifestyle'. When we walk out of church, do we 'remember him'? When in work, do we 'remember him'? With our friends and our family, do we 'remember him'? With the poor, the hungry, the oppressed, do we 'remember him'? The etymology of the word 'Eucharist' stems from two Greek words; eú- "good, well" and kháris- "favor, grace"...Good grace! Hmmm, I wonder what this is trying to say to us? Is it that Eucharist is about more than imbibing and ingesting Jesus (whether physically or metaphorically)? Is it that communion is about more than a sacred meal that helps us remember the events of Jesus' life and death? All these things are extremely important for the Christian...However, maybe Eucharist is actually about our 'good grace' or good works after we walk out of Church. Maybe the true power behind communion is that it is not just for us, but it is for the world. As we 'remember' Christ, we live like him, and show him in our lives (speech and actions). And as we do that, people are drawn to the truth of the Gospel-that Christ came to set us free and give us 'real life'! Maybe it is that as we engage in good works, we need a little more of the body and blood of Christ within us, so that we can be more like him to the world? Perhaps that is the real power, the real purpose behind communion? Can it be that communion is so much wider and so much deeper than we every thought it could be? I mean, with anything of God, it is entirely possible that we have only just scratched the surface!
So, as you take communion, I encourage you to think about what this means not just for you, but for those around you (Christian or not)! I encourage you to recognise that a very significant and spiritual act, drenched in symbolism, but full of power, is taking place. I encourage you to think of how this act may be changing you, and how in turn does that change the world around you. And I encourage you to enjoy it!