I was away over the weekend visiting my wonderful girlfriend in Thornbury, Bristol. Unfortunately I had a bad case of cold and due to the crappiness of the weather over there, didn't actually get to do much. However, it was good spending time with Gail. Boy was it hard leaving to come home and I understand why people talk about long-distanced relationships in a negative way. That being said, I find that the distance isn't too much of an issue!
I was thinking last night about my erstwhile career as a rapper! In fact I blogged on my bebo band page about it, but since no one ever reads those blogs on bebo I might as well have tried to write it on the dark side of the moon. However, I realy got to thinking about getting back into writing some hip hop. So, maybe, just maybe, 2008 will see a return to that for me. I just need to find the time and the inspiration!
What else is going on? Well, I have a couple of important weeks coming up in work. These are all tied into the future, particularly what 2008 holds for youth work in our church. These will be an interesting, but challenging few weeks, and I am really looking forward to seeing what God can do. Perhaps closer to the new year I may share some of the plans (once they are made!).

So, my life as a social creature is about to end tomorrow (if Royal Mail can deliver on time!). I am looking forward to getting my copy of an eagerly awaited game; 'Mass Effect'. This game (I will not bore you with the details) will effectively see me lock myself away until I complete it 2 or 3 times. And if it is like any other RPGs (Role Playing Games) I have played that could take anywhere up to 100 hours of gameplay each!!! So, if you don't hear from me, then yes, it is because I have ceased to exist as Stuart Moles and have become absorbed into my Xbox 360!