It was a crisp Friday afternoon in November. The people of Dallas had turned out to see their leader, a popular hero to many. Flags were waving, people were smiling and there was a buzz in the air. At 12:29 pm, the leader’s limousine entered Dealey Plaza. Dozens of people were taking pictures or filming the entire procession. Turning down Houston Street, the entire procession passed in front of the book depository, and that’s when the shots rang out. There was confusion, the leader’s bodyguards rushed into action, and the limo sped off to the nearest hospital. By 1pm the leader was dead.
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JFK=Legend! |
Of course, we know the leader being referred to here was JFK. Many who were alive at the time will be able to tell where they were when they heard the news. Not only was JFK an inspiring politician, but he was a pop icon to many-perhaps one of the first politicians to transcend the sphere of politics into the public consciousness. Of course he had his flaws, but after his assassination JFK ascended even further in the minds of the public. He was a man who dreamed big (he once famously remarked that the USA would put a man on the moon by end of decade), and inspired a generation.
Many loved him, and even his rivals had to acknowledge his popularity to the masses. Imagine for a moment that on the Sunday 24th November, news was broadcast saying that instead of lying in state, the body of JFK had gone missing. Imagine if you will, that over the next few weeks, sightings of JFK were reported by dozens of people, his family and closest advisors included. And imagine that only a few weeks later, this much loved politician was sighted, ascending into heaven. Of course, none of this happened, but what might these events have done to the popularity and legacy of JFK?
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What Easter seems to be about these days! |
Many will know the story of that first Easter. We know that Jesus was betrayed and arrested. That a sham trial was arranged by the Sanhedrin, who were out to get this political and religious firebrand named Jesus. We know that neither King Herod, nor Pilate the Governor could find reason to execute him. And yet we know that on the Friday of Easter, the religious leaders had their way and forced the execution of the innocent man Jesus. This story forms the bedrock of the Christian faith. However, for the Christian the story does not end at the assassination of Jesus. For unlike JFK, Jesus was more than a loved leader, he was God incarnate. And he wasn't just here on Earth to die for us; his mission was to defeat death and hell, and in resurrection, Jesus showed that the power of death had been overcome. On Easter Sunday, the church gathers to celebrate the Empty Grave, a symbol that Death, which was the wages of sin, had been overcome. To celebrate the fact that we follow a risen Lord.
And on that one day, I believe we remember something very important that we sometimes forget the rest of the year. That in the resurrection, Jesus work was complete. We remember that the story of the Cross is not complete until we see the Empty Grave
I think one of the things we sometimes miss in the modern church is the ability to get into the scenarios presented in the Bible and understand them from the very real, visceral perspective of the day! Let's use our imaginary TARDIS to go back to the day after the crucifixion. It was a Sabbath day, so after all the events in Jerusalem the day before, many in the city would have been winding down, spending the day in quiet reflection. We can only wonder how the onlookers might have felt about the crucifixion. Some may have felt anger, or guilt, or shame. Some may not even have cared-they may have seen Jesus as an entertaining teacher, who had some good ideas, but now he was dead and nothing could be done about it-much in the same way we would treat the death of a modern celebrity; from a distance, with a vague and curious interest. But what about the Disciples? Those men and women who had spent the last few years of their life with their Master. Many of them had left their former lives as fishermen, tax collectors and rebels to follow this charismatic Teacher. He had promised them much about the Kingdom to come, and how God would break through the barriers and live with man. And now, he was dead.
Imagine the despair, the heartache, and even the guilt the Disciples must have felt. Imagine the soul searching, the feelings of worthlessness and constant questioning of all they had heard in the years following Jesus. I imagine at that precise moment any passion or enthusiasm for Jesus teachings might have left them, and they maybe felt more than a little let down by Jesus.
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The Church between the Cross and the Empty Grave? |
For the Disciples, that day between the crucifixion and the resurrection must have been one of the darkest days in their life. Everything they had believed upon becoming followers of Jesus must have seemed so false. The excitement they must have felt when Jesus told stories of the coming Kingdom must have seemed so pointless now. They probably had no will or desire to live out their lives as Disciples. For some, they may have been only days or hours away from giving up and going home to their old lives. And I feel that in many ways, the Church exists in this same place. When we hear that Jesus died for us, and make that choice to follow him, it’s a pretty exciting place for us. We think of all the possibilities open to us, and our hearts swell with anticipation of the things God will do with us and for us and through us. And then we realise that life is difficult, that often the Devil will throw everything he can against us. Instead of thinking of all the things we could do, we give all the reasons for why it cannot be done. We lose heart...we lose focus...we lose the belief that God wants to use us and do great things. In short we lose sight of the Empty Grave!
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No one is here... |
The Empty Grave tells us that death is overcome. It shows us that impossible has now become possible with God. It shows us that instead of following a dead religion, we follow a risen Lord. When we lose sight of all that, church becomes a thing we do, not a thing we are. When we exist between the Cross and the Empty Grave, we have no passion or enthusiasm for the promises made to us. The 'Church between the Cross and the Empty Grave' is perhaps one of the most dangerous things to happen to the people of God. In such a place, we acknowledge the death of Jesus, but we lose sight of why it was for. Many people make reference to being saved, and it’s a term that makes me cringe. Yes, the actions of Christ on the Cross save us. But Jesus came to this earth and lived as one of us for more than a bus ticket to heaven. John 10 says that Jesus came to give us abundant life. Only through the lens of the Resurrection can we begin to glimpse what this life looks like. It is a life of service (one of the first things Jesus did after resurrection was cook a meal for his disciples); it is a life of passion and belief that God can do the impossible through us. Jesus didn't come to save us from hell, but to restore us to life, as God originally intended it!
In the Bible, God's people are constantly being reminded that they, through the works of God, can achieve great things. Perhaps one of my favorite examples of this in the Gospels is in Matthew 16. Jesus asks his Disciple's who people think he is. They throw a few stock answers at Him, no doubt intended to flatter and impress Jesus. He probes them further and really puts them on the spot, asking them to commit their own opinions. Peter, in a flash of inspiration that surely came from heaven declares that Jesus is the promised Messiah. Interesting moment, no doubt. But it is Jesus' response to Peter which is the most astounding;
"Jesus came back, "God bless you, Simon, son of Jonah! You didn't get that answer out of books or from teachers. My Father in heaven, God himself, let you in on this secret of who I really am. And now I'm going to tell you who you are, really are. You are Peter, a rock. This is the rock on which I will put together my church, a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out." (Matt 16:17-18 The Message)
What He is saying is so revolutionary in it's implications and yet I think we have forgotten it, or at least don't want to believe it because it almost seems to good to be true. We are to be a Church so full of energy that even Hell itself won't be able to stand against us. Where is this Church, I hear you ask? I sometimes think this Church has lost itself somewhere between the Cross and the Empty Grave!
I think then there is a challenge here for us! Do we want to exist in that place where we acknowledge the Death of Jesus for us, but do not see the hope of the Resurrection and all that means and demands of us? How do we become a community that lives Church, and not just goes through the motions of a 90 minute event once a week? How do we become a people that believe God does the impossible, and he wants to use us to do it? And how do we live life to the full, sure in the knowledge that Jesus didn't just come to save us from hell, but came to give us life, and that he wants to give it to others too?! There is a whole world out there waiting to see this Church. May God give us the grace and strength to build it!
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