What I have discovered/learned/realised is that this true faith is all about actions. God brought me to James chapter 2 where he showed me that the faith that really matters is the faith that does!

In asking these questions, we would do well to remember the life of Jesus (you know, the guy we follow). Jesus spent time with people, building relationships. Granted, he didn't always have time for everyone (after all whilst on earth he was bound by temporal mechanics!), but he nevertheless was involved in some very deep, lasting relationships (his family, his friends the disciples, even some of the unloved!).
I believe that having a faith that does will look like that; relationships-not with everyone mind you, but with a small core of people, whether they be family, friends, christian or pagan. Some of these relationships could be the deepest of your life, or they could be built around a common thread, such as a love of football, or having a pint with a few old friends from school. And through these relationships you will have an opportunity to really show God's love through your actions.
And does it matter? You better believe it! Through interacting with people, we can show them a glimpse of heaven; not in our power of course, but by the power of the Spirit that lives within us. We carry God inside us, and in our actions, people are shown His love.
So its easy then...but it is also very tough!
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