So what happened? Without getting into to too much detail, I was coming home from the train station after picking my sister up and turned down the 'new road' (Millenium Way). As I was driving down (about 100 yards from the junction) a car attempted to turn into Tescos, cutting across the road, right in front of me. Needless to say, I dunged myself! Next thing I know, I'm slamming hard on the breaks and into the front of the oncoming car. It was kinda funny and scary-my glasses flew off my head, so I was practically blind, and I got out of the car, still blind. My sister was in the car too and had to be taken away in an ambulance, where she then went on to be a guest of Craigavon Area Hospital (good food, good beds!!!). I followed her out later on that night and managed to see a doctor after about two and a half hours. I was knackered when I finally got home!
You see, whilst I was out at Craigavon, a patient came in, who was not in a good way. I don't know who it was, or what exactly happened, but it had sounded like a suicide attempt, and all I could hear was him crying and saying why was he still alive. That sound of hopelessness and despair prompted me to pray for that man. Will it do any good? I dunno, but at least last night, someone was in the same room as that desperately hopeless person praying for them. So maybe I was supposed to crash, maybe I wasn't...However, it is a good lesson in how God can always use a situation for good, regardless of what that situation may be.
P.S. Please pray for me and my sis-they kept her in overnight, with concerns for her neck, and I am feeling very sore, especially down my left side. I am going to Summer Madness with a group for 9 days this weekend, and Im not savouring the prospect of camping. So your prayers are very much appreciated.
So from a battered and bruised, but nonetheless happy, Molar; Peace
I will pray for ya moles. ur going to need some amount of pray, just sleeping in a tent in that rain, matter alone trying to get comforable with the bruising and soreness!
Well, while we're on the subject of 'chance' occurances, this is the comment I came to leave you after I left it on Wiggy's...
"Go read my blog- I've written about PIPS Project, an initiative set up 4 years ago in North Belfast for the prevention of suicide and self-harm in Northern Ireland. I want you to help raise awareness/give money!!!
The work they are doing is amazing and in huge demand all over Ireland, it's really making a difference and it's worth finding out more."
Your prayers probably did more than you could even imagine... keep it up.
Hope you and the sis are feeling better.
love indya
Happy 12th of July!!! dee dee dee dee dee de de de de
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