The West Wing: possibly one of the greatest shows on earth! This is how government should look like-it ain't perfect, but boy, do you wish that Jed Barlett (Martin Sheen-who is, I hear studying at NUI Galway) was the real life president of the USA. Anyway, I have blasted through the final two seasons of the show (seasons 6 and 7), and I have finally finished them. Part of me wishes that they could continue with a new presidential storyline, but hey, all good things come to an end (also the title of the last Star Trek: The Next Generation episode!). It is sad when things end, but inevitably all things have an ending (except of course God). I am really resisting the temptation to go off on a really deep discourse about things ending and look at some of the theological implications of death; however, I wont! Especially since Leanne wants a short blog (so here it is Ladders!).
Anyway, just let me finish by saying; go out and buy the West Wing. Borrow, beg or steal if you can't afford to buy. It is a great show, with fast paced, witty dialogue, and it will make you wish we all had leaders like Jed Bartlett!!
mate, i'm up to the part where the presidents daughter gets kidnapped from a club but it was the end of a series ... did they get her back?
Now now mate. Can't possibly spoil that surprise. But some info-that episode was the last of Aaron Sorkin's (West Wing creator) on the show, so he certainly just blew it all to hell! How they manage to pull they story back in the following seasons is a tribute to the writing staff.
Anyway, I know I am sad! Keep watching it mate, it is such the show!
Yes I know, but in lieu of anything else in life, I accept and embrace geekdom...Aaah-Men
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