Let me start this post by saying categorically 'I do NOT like or watch Big Brother as an avid fan'. However, that being said, I like many heard the news this afternoon whilst out driving that one contestant had been thrown out of the house. Somehow I found myself in front of the TV tonight (probably more to do with my lovely girlfriend than anything else) and saw the incident which resulted in the expulsion of Emily (said housemate).
For those who didn't see Big Brother (or didn't lower themselves to watch it!), said incident involved housemate Emily referring to another housemate (who is of Afican descent) as a n****r (clearly I do not wanna print the word because of fear of offending anyone, or having the PC Brigade crashing through my door!). I have to say, on first reaction I really did feel that Emily (who is white) meant no offence in the word she said, and was just a little bit silly. On further reflection, I still believe that it was a stupid comment and hope the poor girl doesn't get villified by the media or the public. However, I do believe that she has been made a scapegoat on the altar of hypocrisy! Let me explain...
Big Brother did not have to show the offensive comment. They could have dealt with it in a private manner, giving Emily a private slap on the wrist! Clearly, she meant no offense to Charlie, and unless Charlie wanted to pursue further action, it could have been resolved fairly amicably, and quietly! Now let me emphasise, I am not condoning racism in any way, but I do believe that in this case, Channel 4 used this incident for their own interest. It does add a fair bit of drama that someone had been thrown out of the house, and like myself, I am sure that many others switched on to see what it was all about. Part of their reason for throwing her out was that she made a comment that could offend viewers, but we the viewer did not have to see the incident if it wasn't for Channel 4 airing it.
However, my point doesn't just end there. This move is utter hypocrisy because culture is saturated with racism, bigotry and sexism, yet very liitle is done to stop it. Rap music is the perfect example; the N-word is used so much in rap music, that it is hard to tell when the insults end and the words begin. And rap music is one of the biggest selling art forms around at the moment. We make racist comments into a multi-million dollar industry. Also, Hip Hop's attitude to women is often times deplorable; they are almost treated as second class citizens! Surely this is hypocrisy in its ultimate-we will listen to, and purchase music that clearly is racist and derogatory, yet when a silly little girl makes a stupid comment, she is thrown off some stupid game that has no relevance for most of us who have half a brain (I am being a bigot towards people who like Big Brother!LOL).
I think this is truly sad. Clearly Big Brother's history of racism (Shilpa Shetty and Jade Goody) shows that action was needed. But I feel in showing this incident (which I would add, was nowhere near the seriousness of the last Celebrity BB) the only people who have gained is Big Brother themselves. However, maybe there is an opportunity here to discuss racism in all its forms, be it minor comments that we make, to clear racial hatred. It would be a shame if this discussion just stopped at a young girl in a gameshow. We need to really look at the almost institutionalisation of racism through such forms as Hip Hop. We cannot let one section of society get away with this, because rappers (as role models) then send out the message that it is ok to use such language, when in reality, many are offended by it!
Anyway, I really hope this is my first and last Big Brother related topic. I just felt that I needed to discuss this issue, becasue it just smacked of hypocrisy. Again, I emphasise at the end that I do not, repeat DO NOT, support racism in any form, and understand that words are powerful and we need to be careful in how we use them, as they can cause hurt and offense. So I invite comments, but ask you to be sensitive in what and how you say things.
apparently white people who pretend to be black are called wiggas? thats me so it is so it is.
Just popped in to see ur blog... taken an interest now that Watson has started blogging. Can u please write a shorter blog next time...i have the concentration span of 0..as u probably know
Class blog - very interesting and good points made which I agree with..
One point though - you said 'silly little girl' - Be careful that isnt taken offensively ;)
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